Publicly Listed Company Website Development
HR Management Yang Flexible Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Bisnis.
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Catatan Penjualan Pulsa & Online
Credit & Online Shop "Sales Record" is an application to record your credit and online shop sales. Many features are provided in this application, here are the features available based on the menu in the application:
Inventory records the entry and exit of goods / products Cashflow notes in and out of money / finance Point of sales cashier
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- UI / UX Design
- Android Application
- Web API
- Support and Maintenance
- Figma
- Android SDK
- Zeplin
- Postgree Sql
Fy Gestun
Gestun (Gesek Tunai), Metode Pencairan Dana Tunai Kartu Kredit – Gesek tunai atau gestun bisa dikatakan sebagai cara yang menjadi solusi bagi para pemilik kartu kredit yang menginginkan mendapatkan uang tunai, bukan hanya tarik tunai di ATM.
Fy Gestun bersedia membantu masalah keuangan anda. Kami menyediakan layanan jasa gesek tunai yang cepat, aman dan terpercaya.
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- Bootstrap
- jQuery
Analytic Pemilu 2019
Policy for the 2019 Election Results Analitycs application.
The 2019 Election Results Analitycs application is an application for 2019 election data which is processed into charts and tables to analyze election data for each province down to the TPS level.
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- UI / UX Design
- Android Application
- Cloud Hosting
- Support and Maintenance
- Figma
- Android SDK
- Chart
Narastore Grosir & Digital Produk
Narastore grosir merupakan solusi pembelian online untuk memenuhi kebutuhan belanja bagi warung, toko, maupun segala keperluan Anda. Dapatkan produk terlengkap dengan harga terbaik sekarang juga.
Dan, Nikmati kemudahan bertransaksi pulsa, paket data, voucher games, dan berbagai produk digital lainnya dalam satu aplikasi. Produk yang lengkap, transaksi yang cepat dan aman akan membantu kamu untuk makin untung berjualan dengan NARASTORE
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- jQuery
Nara Store | Pulsa, PPOB & H2H
Get convenience in transacting Credit, Data Packages, Electricity Tokens, Games, and other online payments in one Nara Store application anywhere, anytime and anyone. The prices of the products offered are relatively cheaper and of course the best prices!
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- Android SDK
- Postgree Sql
White Label
Whitelabel Pulsa adalah sebuah layanan yang disediakan Fy Pulsa untuk membantu Anda memiliki Aplikasi dan Website jualan pulsa dengan merek Anda sendiri
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- jQuery
White Label Pulsa
white label adalah pebisnis tidak perlu lagi repot-repot memikirkan proses produksi. Pasalnya, hal tersebut akan dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh produsen atau perusahaan manufaktur terkait dan Anda bisa langsung membeli barang jadi dari supplier. ntuk Anda yang tidak memiliki waktu banyak dan modal, Anda bisa memanfaatkan white label untuk pengembangan usaha Anda.
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- Bootstrap
- jQuery
Fy Jobs - Lowongan Kerja
Job Vacancies - Locker Area Bogor Depok Jakarta Sukabumi.
Job vacancies for Bogor, Depok, Jakarta, Sukabumi.
Application Fy Jobs or Job vacancies help to find job vacancies in the area of Bogor
Jakarta Depok Sukabumi easily, job vacancies are taken from several job provider sites.
- UI / UX Design
- Application
- Cloud Hosting
- Support and Maintenance
- Figma
- Android SDK
- Postgree Sql
Joki Games & Digital Product merupakan tempat di mana permainan bukan hanya sekadar hiburan, tetapi juga sebuah tempat untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dan kolaborasi menarik dalam sebuah permainan. merupakan sebuah marketplace yang menghubungkan Jokis dan yang membutuhkan jasa jokis. tidak hanya sekadar sebuah marketplace joki game. memiliki komunitas yang terdiri dari para pemain berbakat, pengembara tak kenal lelah, dan penjelajah dunia maya yang selalu siap membantu Anda meraih prestasi lebih tinggi dalam permainan favorit Anda. Berbekal dedikasi dan hasrat terhadap dunia gaming, kami hadir untuk menjembatani kesenangan, persaingan sehat, dan kepuasan dalam setiap aksi yang Anda lakukan di layar.
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- Ant Design
- React
- Next.js
- Node.js
Smart Survey
Dashboard Smart Survey
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- React
- Next.js
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Akademik System - STIE & STMIK Jayakarta
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Candidate Pemilu
Application - Candidate Pemilu
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Car Management
Application - Car Management
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- Figma
- Android SDK
- Postgree Sql
Catatan Keuangan Keluar Masuk
Financial Notes Cash In and Out FLow.
Financial Notes In and Out of Cash FLow Cash - Make Financial Notes So Easy.
The Financial Records application helps us to record all the transactions that we do in a
savings or cash account, these financial records are online, so the data will be safe on the
application server, only requires registration and can be used immediately.
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- Aplication
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- Figma
- Android SDK
- Postgree Sql
FY Dropship
Application - Dropship
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Fy Pulsa - Agen Kuota Internet
Fy Pulsa is an Internet Quota Agent application and Cheap Credit.
Want to sell credit, but don't know where to find stock? The Fy Pulsa application can be a
solution to the problems you are experiencing.
By using this application, you can sell credit and data packages with minimal capital,
because the minimum deposit to increase your.
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- Figma
- Android SDK
- Postgree Sql
Fy Gifts
Application - Fy Gifts
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lacpp Apps
Application - lacpp
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Klinik GSK Apps
Application - Klinik GSK
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Live Count Pileg
Application - Live Count Pileg
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Live Count Web
Live Count Web
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Materi Sekolah
Application - Materi Sekolah
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Penilaian Dosen
Application - Penilaian Dosen
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Pileg Pemilu 2019
Application - Pileg Pemilu 2019
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Realcount Pilpres 2019
Application - Realcount Pilpres 2019
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Relawan Apps
Application - Relawan Apps
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Relawan Pemilu 2019
Application - Relawan Pemilu 2019
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Relawan Survey
Application - Relawan Survey
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Rental Mobil Apps
Application - Rental Mobil Apps
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Sita Watcher
Application - Sita Watcher
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Smart Survey Apps
Application - Smart Survey Apps
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Steam Apps
Application - Steam Apps
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Store Food Apps
Store Food Apps
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Warung 3KM
Application - Warung 3KM
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Verifikasi DPT
Application - Verifikasi DPT
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Automate Game Topup
Application - Automate Game Topup
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Topup Game & Turnamen
Application - Topup Game & Turnamen
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Dashboard Kominfo
Dashboar Kominfo
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- Chart
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Agen Pulsa
Agen Pulsa
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Imei Generator
Imei Generator
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Nara Store Accounting
Nara Store Accounting
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Saat Kerja
Provides convenience in managing scheduling, planning and realization, monitoring of standard reports on work activities
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Approval Document
Approval Document
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Metrica Dashboard
Metrica Dashboard
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GIS System
GIS System
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Analytics System
Analytics System
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Cars Management
Cars Management
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